
yaaa böyle bir site olduğunu bile unutmuşum resmen adfha ilk zamanları çok eğlenceliydi, ensest, töre aşkı kitaplarının yanısıra kaliteli birkaç hikaye de çıkıyordu. bakalım ne alemdeyiz


Dear potterhead ,
          I know that you are bored of my remindings , but I hope you don't ignore this message . I wrote a book called Heaven Wars but actually not writing it anymore . So , I started a new book called Pink Pimple . Hope you read , vote and comment :)


@potterheadinCHB  wait a sec I am not talking about my first book ,  it's about Pink Pimple ghhjsmx also I'm not a stalker cause I don't know what stalker is :D


@doremember  you stalker! Get out my page and write a new chapter for your book. Cause i read your book after your book had become 10 episodes. =D