
Hey everyone! I’m  sososososososo sorry for my lack of updating. so much has been happening, and i could give you a list of my excuses, but that’s rly not good enough. i will try and start updating regularly again, starting with today. i have big plans for the book, and it means so much that i have so many reads :) i really appreciate you all, thank you. Ludic is a book that i’m so far very proud of, so i’ll be finishing it, because i’m planning on maybe making a sequel in the future, because of my plans on how to end the book. thank you


Hey everyone! I’m  sososososososo sorry for my lack of updating. so much has been happening, and i could give you a list of my excuses, but that’s rly not good enough. i will try and start updating regularly again, starting with today. i have big plans for the book, and it means so much that i have so many reads :) i really appreciate you all, thank you. Ludic is a book that i’m so far very proud of, so i’ll be finishing it, because i’m planning on maybe making a sequel in the future, because of my plans on how to end the book. thank you


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