
I was just in universal (depressed it’s over) but it made me want to write heheh


Hello. I hope whoever reads this is doing well. First off, I wanted to apologize for my last chapter. I understand that I ended it mid sentence and in the middle of a scene. My reasoning for this is that, I am thinking about starting a new account. The reasoning behind my decision is that lately I have not been satisfied with my work and results. I know this is dramatic, but I just binge read “Dear Draco.” If you’ve been into Harry Potter and fan fictions for a time, you most likely have heard it and know of how amazing it is. The reason I said that I was being dramatic is that it broke me. Not often, but every once in a great while, there is a book or movie that will strongly effect me. Not because the book is sad, but it triggers something different. It almost triggers my memory and every reason I have to be sad about flows back. This recently happened over the summer with a movie I had watched, and it was probably the worst period of time in my life. Once again, I know this is dramatic, but I think this may be happening again. The reason I think this happens, is when the time comes where I read or watch something that truly makes me cry, all of my emotions flow out and it’s hard for me to handle all at once. I will be okay. 
          Circling back to the quality of my writing; I believe that I need to start a new era of my writing. While I promised myself I would finish this, I don’t necessarily think that this should be the book I publish first. I will most likely be starting a new account hopefully under the username pqtterfy (same as my Instagram).
          I will not be logging out write away, and I look forward to hearing from the very few of you who read and stuck around. If anyone ever needs me, please feel free to DM me here, and if I don’t answer, please use the insta user above. This is not for followers, I just want you all to know-
          You’re not alone. 


I think I’m going to resort to following the movie. I really like writing this fic and don’t want to give up on it! Not especially now that people r starting to read it!


Thanks sm!


Ooo good luck!! 