
So I promised I would update and I feel horrible that I didn't. I went to go write and my computer just glitched or something. It said it needed to install a few updates and wouldn't let me choose later but it never went past 2% and I left my computer running all night and then all day while I was at school the next day. I don't know what happened but my mom said I can borrow her computer tonight so I'll get working on another chapter. Sorry guys :(


So I promised I would update and I feel horrible that I didn't. I went to go write and my computer just glitched or something. It said it needed to install a few updates and wouldn't let me choose later but it never went past 2% and I left my computer running all night and then all day while I was at school the next day. I don't know what happened but my mom said I can borrow her computer tonight so I'll get working on another chapter. Sorry guys :(


So you know how some authors hate when their readers comment on their stories asking them to update soon? Well I just want to say that I don't hate that at all. It makes me happy to see that you care about my story and I appreciate you and I appreciate the fact that you lovely people are being patient with me. I don't know why I've been so out of it lately and haven't felt like posting but I promise to try and update Just Another Lowlife Gallagher tomorrow. If I do t update I will at least work on it and will post it on Friday. I'm so sorry for the long wait and I just want to thank all the people who read my stories and who care when they'll be updated. I have so many plans for this book that I can't wait to become a reality. I love you all so much, enjoy your readings! <3