
( cb and specify ! ) 


and where is mysaria that they have brought me you in her stead ? i do not appreciate being played as a fool .


“ im sure she’s disappointed to not be at your side immediately . “ Qi doesn’t flinch when grabbed , dark chocolate depths indifferent to the treatment as their tongue darts out, wetting parted lips. They know mysaria is from lys , yet their fair features do compliment eachothers , and vaguely Qi wonders if they were both originally from Yi Ti. “ I apologize i can not be her, but i will retrieve her the second she is within the walls .” Its a promise , and delicate hands move to help the male with his armor , before nimble feet walk to a nearby table, gathering sweetly perfumed oils , making the way back to the prince . “ let me know if you wish for something else .” 
            @rougesprince       x.


@praeteriens     *
            it is unusual for mysaria to be away when she knows i will be here . similar , is that so ?      * sword callused fingers reach out to grip the others chin , turning their head side to side . the prince lets out a satisfied hum as he releases his hold on their chin . *    you are no mysaria , but you will do . a massage ? that will do for now , i suppose .


“I am sorry sir , mysaria needed to be away.. i do not know truly know why , maybe because we look similar ? The voice that leaves their throat is so soft and sweet as Qi bows gently , straightening though does not dare to meet the others gaze “ I was only instructed to help you relax until she returns . Maybe a massage , im very good at them? “  
            @rougesprince      x.


She notices his disinterest, and despite being angry by the loss of a customer she sighs, slinking off with a murderous look Qi’s way . Now that they are.. alone, as much as they can be he flinches, eyeing the man’s fingers in his hair as his eyes slide shut ; a reaction hes still learning to control . Hearing the words he spoke curiosity burns , and he wets his lips, tongue darting out as if tasting the air, deciding if he should speak . “ ..” though no sooner had samhain suggested they get out of the open and his head nods , almost too quickly . Hesitantly he holds out his hand as he stands, the silks twisting and turning around his body in a flattering way as he gestures to the rooms . “ this way, please .” His voice is so / SOFT / when he finally talks , a strong accent coating his voice in honey as he blushes , rubbing his lips together . 
          @dragonbIood       x.


this message may be offensive
They played at the exoticness of him , dressed him in fine sheer silks in colors that complimented the various tones of his cream complexion . He hardly notices another whore playing with his hair, running her fingers through the silken texture as she cooed and fawned over the small quite boy . Many eyes trailed up his naked legs and over his slanted, foreign features as he jumps, realizing someone had sat next to him . Dark depths would blink slowly as he eyes the man , unsure of what to say before the other whore interrupts . “ no , our little Qi is new , my lord Targaryen . Were you interested in his companionship ?” She flirts as she elbows the male, flickering her gaze wildly as if asking what was wrong with him as he swallows, offering a shy, unstable smile . Once the drink was offered she all but snatches it , drinking it with a moan . “ our lord is so charitable , say, would you like me instead ? Unless you want a virgin .” 
          @dragonbIood       x.