
          	My account feels clogged with all of my one shots being separate works. I plan on deleting them all, BUT I am going to make a one shot book so they will not disappear. They will just all be put together in one place because I feel a lot better with things that way. This should be more finalized next week, as I will be on spring break. 
          	Also, my work will all be deleted off of AO3 by next week too. I’ve already got rid of most things on there, but if there’s anything else you would like to read it should be up for another week or so. I prefer the flair of Wattpad and the community, I also just feel like my writing is not good enough for AO3 until my new and improved works drop. 
          	My favorites list is being updated as well!!! If I’ve recently added your fic to the list and you’re wondering who I am, I know I am a silent reader but ily!!! gonna try and comment on fics more. If you want me to read your fic, please let me know!!! I do not mind at all, the only way I wouldn’t is if it is for a fandom I don’t really know which is rare since you’re all here for one reason or another lol. Again, thank you guys for being back here with me and sticking by all of these changes. New and improved prcttyodd soon!!! 


          My account feels clogged with all of my one shots being separate works. I plan on deleting them all, BUT I am going to make a one shot book so they will not disappear. They will just all be put together in one place because I feel a lot better with things that way. This should be more finalized next week, as I will be on spring break. 
          Also, my work will all be deleted off of AO3 by next week too. I’ve already got rid of most things on there, but if there’s anything else you would like to read it should be up for another week or so. I prefer the flair of Wattpad and the community, I also just feel like my writing is not good enough for AO3 until my new and improved works drop. 
          My favorites list is being updated as well!!! If I’ve recently added your fic to the list and you’re wondering who I am, I know I am a silent reader but ily!!! gonna try and comment on fics more. If you want me to read your fic, please let me know!!! I do not mind at all, the only way I wouldn’t is if it is for a fandom I don’t really know which is rare since you’re all here for one reason or another lol. Again, thank you guys for being back here with me and sticking by all of these changes. New and improved prcttyodd soon!!! 


As of right now… I unpublished most things except for one shots. Even some of those might come down. I legit don’t feel that confident in much of my work, it’s not getting deleted though, likely just edited. Anything that has been taken down for right now is still on AO3 for a bit, so if you still want to read it there feel free!!! Love you guys have a great day/night 


I’m hoping to get my account together more this week… school has started again so less free time, but I think whatever time I have I would love to spend writing. Love y’all. <3 


I know I am speaking into the void here… but some works have been taken down. These are longer ones such as Blur, Sound of Silence, and look what you made me do. I want to rewrite them completely. Stories I don’t have many chapters out for like Build God will stay up because I only have to edit a few things and repost. Slowly but surely getting there!!! Also going through my million drafts and realizing some I did not game plan which is sad, so I will be getting rid of anything I don’t need anymore. If anytime is reading this thanks lol, updates on the actual stories to come!!!