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@The_Question_Alters No, don't just say that. Like I mentioned I absolutely do not know you, but what I know is after Echo got diagnosed by BuzzFeed you got inspired to become a 'system', almost all of your friends are a system, coincidence? Honestly, it's a felony to leak someones address or even threaten them that you're going to do so. Just shut the actual fuck up, you're immediately disgusting because I can just assume you are faking DID, Depression, Anxiety, and your trauma that someone else might be going through. Your lover won't last, your lover doesn't really love you, you edate which is disgusting, your lover might be someone else, don't act like saying "my lover-" is a flex, it isn't. I feel bad for them honestly, because you're a menace to society. Or at least, my society. Get some common sense and hang out with the RIGHT people. If you're on Wattpad replying to Rose and I. You can contact CPS. It's common sense, you just don't have it. You say you want "fun", well I'm giving it to you! So shut your pog/poggers self up!!!!