
I'm having trouble with Forever Seventeen, so expect those updates to be slower because I'm seriously so blocked with that story right now. I'll try to update it ASAP. Love Kaity </3


I need more readers cx. Don't forget to leave comments on my stories guys! I'd love to see what you have to say!  Just an update on my current works: 
          I just updated I'm The Secret and the next chapter may be a bit difficult to write. So be patient please.
          My bio story is updated too, so check that out pls.
          And Forever Seventeen is being worked on as we speak. It's a bit complicated for me, but I'm working to hurry and give you guys the next part.
            Anyway. Comment and my stuff, loves! Love, Kaity <3


How many of you would like a Fuenciado fanfic? Or maybe Kellic? I've been planning on writing a Jalex fic for a while now, but I was hoping to do another PTV fic except maybe with one of the ships? Which one would you guys prefer? Kellic or Fuenciado? Let me know or I'll pick my personal favorite. Love Kaity </3


Any followers that are currently reading "I'm The Secret", please take notice! I've been super slow updating and its because im having trouble with the date chapter. I need cute date ideas. Please please please. If you have any ideas for cute date scenarios, Pm me or post my page please. I wanna know what you guys would like to read!