Hi everyone! I just noticed there are a lot of comments about how Chris shouldn’t have forgiven Dean after he cheated on her. I understand cheating is horrible, but given the circumstances surrounding the relationship between Dean and Chris, both of them being hunters and constantly getting themselves into dangerous situations, if Chris continued to hold that against him, someone would have gotten seriously hurt, or worse. Their hunting trio only works so well because of their personal attachment to one another. Personally, I believe that Dean did not intend to hurt Chris by hooking up with Cassie. He never blamed her for his actions and he took complete responsibility for what he did. Yes, Chris has forgiven him and she will never use it against him, but she definitely won’t ever forget it. And for people saying that women who go back to cheaters are awful and are the worst type of women, please keep those comments to yourself. Every relationship and situation is different and it is no ones place to judge.
Thank you for listening to my rant. And just a quick update, Love on the Rocks is still going to be updated eventually, but you guys know how life goes.
Loves ❤️