
This is the admin Zane aka @tiredofthisbs_ . If you havee me on discord or on either of my accounts, I awhile. At least a my phone is messed up what I'm trying to say is that I will be gone for a while because my phone is deciding to stop working and I'll be gone for at least a week2


This is the admin Zane aka @tiredofthisbs_ . If you havee me on discord or on either of my accounts, I awhile. At least a my phone is messed up what I'm trying to say is that I will be gone for a while because my phone is deciding to stop working and I'll be gone for at least a week2


 “ hey my big
          sick baby , time
          to take some 
          medicine :( “
          willow said with a
          couple of pills in
          her hand and a
          cup of ice water
          “ here you go “
          she said handing it
          over to him
          sick bibby <3 /


             “ good job, i promise
            the second you start
            to feel better you can
            say hi to your princess “
            willow smiled , wrapping
            her arms around him
            “ stay strong handsome “


            Billy wanted to protest, puffing at her. But he knew that if he didn't get better, he couldn't hold his baby. And he missed the little girl so much. And so he worked up the courage to toss the pills back and drink his water really quick. He scrunched up his nose and coughed at her, huffing.


hi goodnight /
          “ hey hey … its
          not you’re fault.
          shes just cranky :( “
          willow said as she
          cradled the nugget
          to sleep, the teary 
          eyes of the nugget
          finally going away
           “ see ? shes okay “
          willow whispered
          billy gets scared cus
          he thinks he made 
          their lil nugget cry /


Hc for older Billy (only told one person and I'm excited about it omg)
          Billy ditches the mullet after highschool but let's his hair grow out long and beautiful so it's curly/wavy but longgg and blooooonde <3


[I’m sold 




            I know but mr mullet beingclosetedtheir relationship was kinda toxic but this time he's more level-headed and still traumatized but not taking it out on everyone so then they can be together 5ever when they meet up again <33


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u get spidey women willow cus i said so/
          willow slowly crept into
          the house. she assumed
          billy was asleep so she
          took her mask off once
          she had gotten into the
          house. now she was slowly
          walking to their shared 
          bedroom, getting startled
          when she saw billy sitting
          in the dark
           “ what the fuck ?! “


            i mean he wasn’t TOTALLY
            wrong but still,
             “  CAN YOU BRING ME SOME
            MORE CLOTHES PLEASE ?! “
            she yelled from the bathroom,
            he’s gonna wake up in the
            morning and be like ‘ wtff ‘
            but for now she could at least
            sleep without worrying about
            it till morning. she sat there 
            treating her wounds while
            waiting for billy for the clothes


{ @crimelovd }
            "And quit playing dress up idiot!" Billy called, completely unfazed about wtf is happening. Maybe if he wasn't just in a sleep coma he'd be more alert and more suspicious. But for now, nope. Just thought she was cosplaying at the time. He's such an old man dude. He a lil confused but he got the spirit. 


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            “ oh you little — ugh ! “
            willow groaned , then 
            realized she still had 
            her suit on 
             “ ah fuck !! “
            she yelled out before
            running to the bathroom,
            coincidently dropping her
            mask on the ground