
If you haven’t already, check out my book on the flip side. I just updated it


Just updated butterflies I’ll be taking an actual break from it for a while I’m not really sure how long. It’s almost valentines and I have a baking business so there’s lots of orders coming up, on top of that I start this 10 week culinary program next week I’m super excited but yeah that’s what’s tea thanks for listening lol


Not I just got a white supremacy comment on my book. Thats sad asf they bored


@prettygirl_744 me and my ex broke up and now i feel as theres no point in learning


Newsssflashhh I just realized i probably am as selfish as ppl say lol im so slow.! 


@ThatOnePretty_Girl I really appreciate the words of kindness and encouragement I hope you having a blessed week


First don’t ever call yourself smth you not else you will make it be you. Second most people call sb selfish when they don’t get what they want from that person. Third it was day not your life pick yourself back up you’ll be fine and you can all pick up some more cards pooks. Also idk you fr but I don’t think you slow.


@ThatOnePretty_Girl just was having one of those mental days and starting feeling like maybe I am selfish how ppl be saying but i don’t think I am fr, I think I did what I could with the cards I been dealt in life