Good eveining all my followers! How are you doing, how has your week been, are you taking time for yourself? I know I haven't been on in a while and I do apologize for that. I have been working and in school again. I also am in the search of a new job currently, and am beyond grateful for the job I work to finish my 2 weeks up right now.
I wanted to let you guys know, I will be uploading a new chapter of the Aarmau Oneshots tomorrow, and hope you enjoy it. I've been very busy on it so hopefully you'll enjoy! I'd love you guys to comment on the story after you finish to let me know some ideas and thoughts on the story!
Also, HOLY CRAP Aarmau oneshots has hit over 5K views! I can't believe it! Thank you all so much!
Welp, I'm singing off for the remainder of the night, enjoy your night all! Good Night!