
hey, guys. i’ll be updating Library Lines tonight, might possibly get a new chapter as well? i’m currently finishing a new chapter, i just need to edit it a bit and then it’s possible you’ll have it tonight. i’ll keep you updated xx 


hey, guys. i’ll be updating Library Lines tonight, might possibly get a new chapter as well? i’m currently finishing a new chapter, i just need to edit it a bit and then it’s possible you’ll have it tonight. i’ll keep you updated xx 


hello, guys. i need help, please. so there is a author on here, on wattpad, but i believe they might have deactivated or changed their name? because of this, i no longer have their fanfics saved and it’s sort of making me upset because i really love their work. they only had 2 fanfics, which are “Two Floors Down” and “Dance Lessons” they are the best fanfics i’ve ever read. i read them monthly because i love them so much. they were one of the first fanfics i read when i first got wattpad, i really enjoy them. please help me find the author, i can not find them or their work. i searched through my following AND my archived story’s, i can not find them. someone help me, please. and if they did deactivate, at least i’ll know they deactivated and i can stop searching for them. 


someone help me please, it is driving me insane 


i just published a new chapter to "library lines!" i know i'm going rather slow with updating and publishing . . . i'm just really really busy as of now and never have the time to write. but when i do, i write loads at a time, i either finish a chapter or start a new one. it's so thrilling. anyway, i JUST published chapter 3 and i would really appreciate your feedback or love! next chapter we might get lou and haz meeting each other, how exciting. please, go give the chapter a read and a vote/comment. xx


I've been having alot of anxiety and panic attacks recently. Which is rather weird because, I'm out of school and don't have to deal with judgement and discrimination. I don't feel comfortable at home because there is so much going on. I would like to be a baby again. Xx.


@kiwistyles_xo You're such a sweet and beautiful soul. Xx.


@OneDirection_Brox I'm so sorry about that. U can always message me anytime to talk to me about what you are going through. i'm a great listener :)


I feel so bad for what happened to Harry. Some of the fans are so disrespectful and decide to make Harry uncomfortable and panicked. Our poor little baby. Treat Harry With Kindness, Please. 


@kiwistyles_xo Yes. In New Mexico, fans mobbed around his car and everything.


@OneDirection_Brox What happened to Harry?? Was it when he was going to the hospital??