
Andddd new chapter on "Oh mama im in love with a criminal" cause I know how much yall love that book so check that out if you want


Hey lovely, sorry to disturb! I am a new writer. Just recently started writing. I know it's not the best but I'm trying my best will appreciate your kind gesture if you checked my book out! It would mean a lot to me! Thank you and sorry again for disturbing!


Im backkkkk :))))) Ik yall missed me so basically Idek what happened tbh I just got off wattpad for a minute and like forgot to come back Lmaoooo. AND OMFG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 102K LIKE WTAF I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT THIS FAR AND IM SO HAPPY!!! I honestly couldn't have done this without you guys so thank you sm and I love yall so much <333 But yeah im back and better than ever


❝ I hope that even when you're going through the toughest times, you remember that there are still so many beautiful things to be thankful for— things that shine the brightest light through the dark. I hope you remember to cherish the ones who light up your dark skies and celebrate the moments when the sun peaks through the clouds. And when you're in the midst of a terrible storm, I hope that always look for the rainbow— not because you're ignoring the pouring rain and roaring thunder, but because you know that rainbows and rain exist together, because you know that light is only light because of the dark. Looking for the rainbow during the rain was never about ignoring the storm anyway— it's always been about looking for the light that will carry you through. ❞


          hru? it's been a while and i thought i'd drop by with a message like this. hope you don't mind hehe.
          " what if the things you didn't like about were actually some of the most beautiful parts of you? what if the things you viewed as your weaknesses are actually your greatest strengths? my friend, you really are more beautiful than you could ever imagine... the way your eyes light up, the way your smile forms when you see someone you care about. even your scars only add more depth and beauty and character... and not only in your appearance, but you are so beautiful from your heart, from your soul... your smile lights up rooms, your personality is one of a kind... others may not always see it, but always know that you really are more beautiful than you could ever know " <3


When will u update saved by the badboy I really like the book


It’s okay. Have u tried using a different location to c if maybe that will help? I know some people try that not sure if u have it not . 


@babygangsta62454 Ill try to update in on Saturday. Im so sorry Ive been having the worst writers block. Thank you for reading it tho!


hi! like a beautiful star shining in the night sky, your purpose is not to compare your light or brightness to any other star. your purpose is not to wish you were a moon or a planet, or to wish you were somewhere else. your purpose is not to change who you are or what you are made of. your purpose is to shine your light as bright and as beautiful as only you can. your purpose is to celebrate the light of others while celebrating your own light too. bc it is only when we are all shining our own unique lights can we light up the entire night sky! ✨