Hi everyone! So, since I should be working on my English homework, I'm going to get straight to the point.
I'm thinking of doing a live show... Yeah! I'm super duper nervous about it, and I've never done a live show before so I really have no clue how it works...
Anyway, it would be mostly for you guys! My amazing, life changing, fabulous Internet friends! Of course, my friends irl can watch too, if you want, the more people that show up the better!
I was thinking of doing it this Friday, since Friday is a PA day for me, but I would have it after school so like, 3:00pm, for my friends who don't have a PA day ☺️
I'm not doing this to become popular or cool or anything like that, This would simply be a chance for me to talk to you guys, for you to see me in person, and ASK ME TOOOONNNNSSS OF QUESTIONS!! I won't be able to do this if no one asks anything, so here are some good ideas for questions;
(btw, you can't ask me where I live. Sorry. )
~What pets do you have? What are their names?
~Are you currently crushing on anyone or dating anyone?
~What is your favourite thing to do? Other than Internet XD
~What is the last book you read?
~Are you a part of _______fandom?
~Have you seen/read ________?
~What is your biggest fear?
~Embarrassing story?
~Funny story?
And anything else you can think of! (That's kinda appropriate anyway XD)
Tour of some stuff in my room will probably be what I turn to if I'm left with an awkward pause.
So please tell me what you think, should I do this? Would you watch?