
this message may be offensive
I sincerely apologize for messing with all of your lives and getting you to hate me (: I don't expect for you to forgive me so if you decide you don't give a shit just delete me from your life and forget I exist (: thanks !!!


this message may be offensive
I sincerely apologize for messing with all of your lives and getting you to hate me (: I don't expect for you to forgive me so if you decide you don't give a shit just delete me from your life and forget I exist (: thanks !!!


i'm taking time to find myself. i'm not happy with myself. the people i surround myself with i love and i choose to continue hanging out and being with them but i don't want to be down all the time. i don't want to pretend i'm happy. i don't want to have to pretend to be something i'm not. i refuse. so i'm taking a break for a week. no technology nothing. bombard me with messages go ahead. leave me hate to come back to i don't care. i want to find myself before i do anything irrational. i'm not questioning my decisions regarding others i'm questioning my decisions regarding myself. i'm not sorry nor do i feel the need to apologize. if the week doesn't seem to do me progress i may leave for longer. just letting you all know in advance. i hope you all have great weeks, i love you.
          with the largest bucket of sincerity,


when i look at you i see what i want in the future.
          2 years.
          your legs are tangled around mine, like tangled vines in a 100 thread count jungle.
          the morning smells better laced in your shampoo.
          5 years.
          my garage has two cars making it ours.
          sometimes i call home just to hear your voice on the machine and I swear you laugh so hard I can feel your breath.
          10 years.
          you wear your ring around your neck so it dangles by your heart, and i envy that ring for spending more time nuzzled on your chest than i.
          but every night it's forgiven.
          50 years.
          our bony joints are still puzzle pieces holding me together.
          though you can't sleep in the same bed as me, it's too soft for you now, you still curl up by my side at 6 am.
          but I know that when you look at me, you aren't quite sure if there's a tomorrow.
          forever is too much to ask,
          but i'm going to love you for as much time as we have.
          i love you