@pridebxbycrybxby OH my dad loves em but he knows I'm scared of them,so he would take care of it for me. Once,at my birthday party,afterwards two of my closest friends stayed over because they live far awy. We were watching my favorite movie when one asked if I had any bug toys. I of course don't,so she asked what that was and pointed to a bug on my window. At the time,my bed was right next to my window. I thought it was a stick bug,so the three of us went up to my parents room and got my dad. The friend who asked in the first place was terrified,I just wanted it out of my room,and my other friend wanted to let it after we found out what it was. It was a praying mantis. My dad thought I said stink bug,so he was shocked when he found it. It was huge! But the worst part was,we forgot to pause the movie.