
2 new chapters within 24 hours who tf am i


hiiii i've probably been forgotten about lol but i hope everyone had a merry christmas<3 def updating The Conflict within the next week cos im seeing tff on tour next year and i'm so excited i have so much motivation 


@NotACoffee_Addict aaw thanks,, happy new year :) x


@TFFstories i swear i hate writers block so much . happy new year :) x


Never. :) Hope you had an awesome holiday! 
            Looking forward to the update. I’m feeling the writing bug too. Lol   I can’t wait to see them on tour! 


hiiii lovelies. bit of a long time no see ahah i apologise for my absence !! things have been real crazy. i'm happy to say i recovered nicely from my infections (yes infections - i was blessed with two of them T_T) and i was so excited to get back to writing... when my phone decided to break. :-(  i also have a tablet and i thought maybe i could use it to write instead of using my phone but for some reason my wattpad is really glitchy and weird on my tablet? so that's a no go too. however i'm able to get a new phone towards the end of the month so as soon as i do,, you better believe that The Conflict is making a comeback! i know this has been a lengthy post lmao but there's my update for you. see you all very soon :) x


so getting a tiny bit personal up in here,, i have an infection :( so The Conflict will continue to be on hiatus for a short while longer. i hope it clears up fast so i can get back to writing because i miss it so much! lots of love besties xox


@NotACoffee_Addict aaw thank you; doing a little better already so hoping to be back soon!! :)


having left the fandom 9 months ago this is really scary  but i'm going to give it a go. 


@primalfears_ yeahhh some things happened and i discretely decided to leave but i'm much more healed now. i'm not fully rejoining, i just missed writing 


@primalfears_ You left the fandom nine months ago? Was it a bad experience for you? Just curious. Looking forward to reading your story, though.