
hey lovelys I haven't been on this account in a very long time I've been just busy with life as it goes and stuff but if I missed anything from anyone let me know 


@Dying_Soul- ikr its so sad that they are gone 


@prince-jelly-bean dude…pms are done. I’m so sad about that


hey lovelys I haven't been on this account in a very long time I've been just busy with life as it goes and stuff but if I missed anything from anyone let me know 


@Dying_Soul- ikr its so sad that they are gone 


@prince-jelly-bean dude…pms are done. I’m so sad about that


Hi ya lovelys so I made a second account this account is a start over for me the third chapter of the corrupter will and is published on there  will also rp on that page but I'll keep things in order and stuff so if anyone wants to follow me on that account here it is 
          shrumiwrites the name on there is Jude 


hello im back so i am going to make a different account one for writing and well rp i have an idea of what im going to do the corrupter will be continued there as well as rp ideas i have a few ideas for simon ghost riley and the third chapter of the corrupter will be published there as well ill update when the profile is made and when it is ready i might be active on this account but im not sure see you later loves


Good to hear from you. (This is my new account old one was whitewolf1988)


Hello guys! Ok so I wanna write a book with someone I don't know what about or where it will go but I might make a separate account for this whole book thing 
          Also if your interested I'll be making a friend group or a group 
          I'm looking for an editor or even a writer to help me out I'm not paying I'm just trying to be social! 
          If you are wanting to be friends with me and write a story with me let me know !


Hey! So I'm not back but I came to check in I left I just don't think anyone noticed but I have discord and Instagram for rps 
          About my book I cannot publish any chapters as sadly my laptop broke and I have nothing to write on over than paper I don't know when I'll get another laptop but if anything I'll write on paper and publish more chapters 
          Also if anyone has any recommendations to where I could possibly publish my book let me know down below I know about ao3 might publish it there when I get my laptop though I don't know if I should include smut in my book in ao3 cause I don't know if detailed smut is allowed 
          Anyone know if it is? 


@prince-jelly-bean no worries at all! I completely understand ^^. I did too tbh.


@Tamakiamajikifan21 thanks so much also I'm sorry for not replying to our rp I just needed a break actually from rping and Wattpad and all 


@prince-jelly-bean ooh, nice! And ofc ^^. Ao3 is definetly alot less strict on their rules. Shouldn't have any issues at all. Good luck with the story!


Hey guys! Long time no talk yeah? Well Wattpad is dying slowly and I'm not enjoying Wattpad as much as I did I have barely any inspo for OCS and if I do they aren't really appropriate for Wattpad I'm almost 18 
          And I wanna make new friends and I wanna focus on school as much as possible I will still rp but not in Wattpad I am searching for where I can rp I'll possibly make an insta and I do have discord but I do not like discord I also have Twitter 
          But for now I wanna focus on getting more friends so 
          If anyone at all wants to be my friend and rp at the same time let me know down below in the comments and I'll give you my insta or my Twitter or possibly might get discord back  
          Please 17 up I'm comfy with let me know darlings happy pride month I send love to all my famila (LGBTQ community) be happy for who you are and why you are here you are fighting and your making it threw life there is a bumpy road ahead but there is a bumpy road in everyone's life Amore's I'll be here for you guys so much love -prince jelly bean 


            I'd also like to be your friend, if you'll allow me to.


@Dying_Soul- pm me and tell me if you want my insta or Twitter or discord 


@prince-jelly-bean id like to be frienddd