
Hey guys! 
          	A New Dawn is nearly complete, so I have started uploading the complete chapters while I continue with the rest
          	A new chapter will be uploaded every Monday and Thursday 


Hey guys. Just some updates for you 
          So the Shadow is being gradually reposted. I republished the first chapter and working on editing the rest. 
          In regards to other fics, A New Dawn and TOH Pockets version is currently underway with other projects being on hold and a new fic being developed in The Boys fandom
          I just want to let you know that from June to August, I will be taking a hiatus due to travelling and no new chapters will be uploaded in that time period. The hiatus will end in the fall and hopefully I can get back on track.
          My aim is to finish A New Dawn before June and out of the 108 parts I only have 33 left to write. (not all these parts are published) 
          If you guys want to ask about the progress of any stories, don’t hesitate to reach out


Hey! I was just wondering if your still going to write a version of Touch of Hellfire without Heather ending up with Jess? 
          I also can’t seem to find your profile on AO3… is your @ the same? 


@shygirl1897 Now now, I’m not spoiling the fun 


Who does she end up with?


Oh yes, I’m in the process of writing it now, the first 30 something chapters are already posted under the title Touch of Hellfire (Pocket’s Version) 
            My @ on A03 is pocket_moony


Hey guys, another update about books. I’m currently working on Age of Ivy and Dark Paradise atm (dark paradise is the new name for light into darkness) 
          I didn’t get Age of Ivy done as soon as I hoped since I have exams and uni stuff. But hopefully it’ll be complete before the new year. If you have any more questions about the statuses of my other books, don’t hesitate to comment on this