
Hi I hope you are OK and I really love reading your stories they are amazing so I hope you keep them on here as I don't have any other apps and I am just waiting for you to edit and upload zander xaiver and there human mate I enjoyed reading it the first time and I have read all ur book more then once as they are that good.


Hi everyone hi author I hope everyone is good here
          Author I love your book  
          So Yh am writing my first Wattpad story please check it out 
          It is called My little wife and this is the link 
          Age gap
           a child brain in an adult body 
          You guys will like the story please tell a friend to tell a friend 
          Thank you stay safe n hydrated 


Dear Author
          I already have saved all  your books into my library. I love werewolves and vampire stories actually am a huge fan of these kind of books including action and mistery stories. But I have a small complain and dont get me wrong, please be careful not to repeat the same pragraphs and senteces over and over again an do please check your grammar and how you phrase your sentences because it breaks the readers thread of thoughts and imagination that's my humble opinion. Other that keep your books coming and keep your imagition going wild with the wereloves and vamps stories.
          Your fan from Lebanon:


Hey sorry to bother you can you please tell me where is xander xavier story i tried alot to find it but I can’t find it please reply thank you 


@princessamber123 Thank you. I will definitely be looking forward to it


@ElsieCollins0 I will be re-uploading it at one point but atm I am halfway through another book. I also want to edit the twins books and try make it a bit better xx


@princessamber123 is there anyway to re-upload it? It's truly amazing and one of my favorites


Hii when are you uploading next chapter?? It's been a a month now... This book is interesting to read so I am waiting for next chapter 


@BTSLOVEARMY567 I haven't noticed that I was just busy with my college and I am in my 1st year so I pretty difficult to handle all.. 


Hiya sorry I’m not sure if you have seen but I have written a note about me being pregnant and honestly I have had no energy and my sickness was bad but I’m back now