
Hi guys!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated May Your Untamed Heart Stay Restless Running Wild. 
          	I'm trying to put in the song that inspired the title so yeah. Princes have a duty to their kingdom and such blah blah blah. Anyway a while ago I asked if anyone knew the song that inspired my title. No one answered so.... 
          	it's called "Lonely Child" by Christina Perri. Listen to it and tell me your predictions of the next few chapters. Love you all 


You're such a HG fan OMG XD that's awesome lol


lol Im rewriting my story


Hi guys!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated May Your Untamed Heart Stay Restless Running Wild. 
          I'm trying to put in the song that inspired the title so yeah. Princes have a duty to their kingdom and such blah blah blah. Anyway a while ago I asked if anyone knew the song that inspired my title. No one answered so.... 
          it's called "Lonely Child" by Christina Perri. Listen to it and tell me your predictions of the next few chapters. Love you all 


Tagged by @mrs_mellark_
          Full name: Donna Juarez Lopez Florela 
          Age: 13 
          Favorite color(s) : Green, Orange and pink. ( I can't pick only one) 
          Favorite TV show: Once Upon A Time, Dancing With The Stars, Marvel's Agent Carter 
          Favorite bands: hmm... Imagine Dragons, 
          Man crush: Josh Hutcherson enough said. 
          Favorite Teen Wolf character: 
          I've got a blank space. 
          Favorite food: Pizza. Tamales. Enchiladas. I'm starving just thinking about it. 
          And just because.... 
          Favorite singers: Ed Sheeran♥ 
          Christina Perri ♥ Taylor Swift ♥ and Lorde ♥
          I nominate: 
          @ SammiSammy