
There's also this story i wrote called Broken trust, it's not yet completed but I'm working on it. I hope you read it as well.
          	I hope I'm not asking for much


invitation :
                                                                IN THE LOVING MEMORY OF
                        BookWorm 1590                        AND                                 IreneGeorge2006
                     _/_/_  to 2nd of feb.                                                        2/1/2006 to 2nd of feb.        
                                 2022                                                                                             2022
                                         Please join our funeral as we say goodbye to this world
                                           which was too  imbecile  for our genius brains  to bear    
                                                                            6th of february 2022 
                                                                     1 o ‘clock  at midnight                    
                                                                             St. Mary’s church
                                                       location :  irenegeorge2006 , conversations
                                  funeral party - same day (6th feb) at irenegeorge2006 conversation , 
                                                                                            all day long 
                                                (no specific time u can come and go whenever u  want)


ps bring ur pets if u have any...
            so that my pets and other coming ppls pets can keep urs company


to dear serial killer er sry princess killer...
          from  ur only and only grtest follower u have got ,
          on 2nd feb wednesday me and my another wattpad frnd died....
          some ppl got invited early before we even died because we came to know abt them earlier...
          abt our death...:
          we (me and my frnd ) both met under a comment...were we had a squabb- er i mean war..hehe dunno y make that mistake over and over on every invitations...silly me "awkward laughing while casting side glances" "clears throat"
          so during our war we unintentionally did a crime that ..r still awkward to talk openly abt.. leading to the ultimate wrath of our parents...
          we were gave the privilege to choose our death day..we chose today (remember this happened a couple of days ago)
          i decide to invite u because i am kind..
          .just kidding .. i decided to invite u as u were kind enough to follow me for reasons that i am completely unaware of
          we died 2nd feb but our joint funeral party is it on 6th feb sunday...
          pls attend our joint funeral.and wear black suit with sunglasses and bring boquet of black it is cool...pls act deaf and dumb and if neseccary blind in front of our nosey family..
          and no its not a prank..
          look at my convo for proof..

irenegeorge2006 my frnd an me had a war under a comment-we knocked some thing nd ruined our rug at the same time(oh the coincidence) - parents murdered us-we r ghosts now-our funeral on 6th-dont want our funerals to be depressing-so decided that there will be a funeral-party-party all day long-more info on my convo-u r invited on 6th-will u come?


dont worry i am not a bot..