
Y’all really gotta do better when commenting on your favorite fics. Just asking for an update with no feedback ain’t it no more ‍♀️


@princessstevens It's up to you whether you post or not. I've never been one to beg or ask authors to update because I know life happens, you dont have the same spirit to update or your inspiration isn't flowing for whatever reasons. As i said. If you do update. I'll try to remember to comment. I know support means alot and let's you know that people are liking your content. But at the same time. Try not to take it personal. Also interact with your audience too. We enjoy ...or majority of the books that have lots of comments. The authors engage and also ask questions of the readers at the end of the chapter. Hope this helps and you dont feel attacked.


@SheenaNeverson that’s really not the point in this? I’m not going to take down things because of “bad” or “ugly” comments - I’ll just delete and block - the point is y’all constantly have your hands out for more without so much as acknowledging what you read. We don’t get paid to do this but interaction is nice? I hope I remember to post here when the time comes. 


this message may be offensive
@gabbiep24 true. I feel like Tyrese asking what more do you want from me? This book was so good i just kept reading and reading engrossed in the story. Tbh. Nothing personal. But I hope if authors want comments they dont complain about the comments they get. Because when it starts to pop they're going to get the good, bad, ugly and ignorant. And ion want to hear any shit about taking down a book because of bad comments. That said. When an update comes I'll try to remember to comment and star


          How are you?
           I've been waiting for overstimulated update for 3 years now 


@princessstevens hey love the story, I’m not a good writer at all so I try not to give critiques but it’s so good I’m invested in the story. Do you think you are ever going to pick up on the story. I love it so much.♥️


sometimes creators walk away from things. 