
Take care guys for i might not write for sometime. Some of you here already know that i have things to cope up with personally and this was my only solace.  And this being taken away so cruelly from me , i dont have nowhere to go. I m just not able to imagine happy faces of my darlings. So ot might take sometime. But i will definitely bring my Mullai back with her Kathir . So be strong everyone . Lets just be thankful to the universe for bringing that little butterfly in our lives . I thank PS team and all the actors for giving us our Mullai . Get well soon guys.


@princy_jhonny thank you for decide to bring back KM.  All of us needed our km.. I felt like only kmff writers can give them back.. take your time dear.. we are here to support u.. I'm sure I need KM because they're my addiction. And I'm really grateful to u. Take care dear..


@princy_jhonny take ur time and come back unga writings avlo pidikum nama km pathiyama avangalukkulle epadi love panipanganu unga writings kattum waiting take care


Hi keshvee I really like both of your stories and to be honest I don't think one is lesser than the other but if you wanna drop one to continue one then I would say please continue nithamum neeye cz it has more parts also story is going good there is a plot that can be create and rest is upto you 
          Remember, no matter which story you continue, I'll be reading it anyways Keep it up and take care  


Hi, I'm ur new follower, and I've read Sattena Nanaindhadhu Nenjam, just before a few days... I'm writer of a ViKa series in instagram... I'm here to ask ur permission if I could just write the portion of Vijay entering home after some days, somewhat similar to urs?? I won't copy and paste it for sure, but I want to be original and most importantly avoid copyright issues, and also, I don't want you to feel bad incase u read my writing... I know how it feels as a writer... So if u r ok, I wud write a similar scenario in mine... It will definitely take almost 2 months or 3 to get incorporated into the storyline, but I ask prior permission to u... Pls reply as soon as possible... Thankyou


@princy_jhonny Yeah... I do understand, and a kind of similar things has happened with my writings- u know ppl using part of plot without permission, and it does feel bad when I read it... And the dialogues are not similar, even the plotted scenario is a totally different one. Thank u so much for replying!! Lots of love to you and ur writings... Keep writing...


@krithikakrishnan1208 hi thoughtful of you to long as the dialogues or thought process are not similar I dont have an issue.  Im sure you know how difficult it is to take time out of our lives to give a new life to our favorite fictional characters.  Lets write about them,  and still maintain out authenticity. 


Authoryy y no update in nithamum neeye  #ViKa 


@princy_jhonny  yes authory plz continue with the same story line it will more interesting to read plz


On it dear...lot of things happend personally  .. one of my family member had an health emergency,  was admitted in the hospital and all...I also broke my phone . ..its a big story...the thing is iam back and iam on nithamum neeye


Continuation iruka Mari write panunga like Blood in my veins ku aprm athoda continuation ah author for nithamum neeye chapters ku plzzzz


Ayyo author yaen km stories eduthuteenga. Neenga write than panamataenu solliteenga. Palaya stories padichavathu engala naangale aarudal paduthikitom ippo athayum illama paniteenga author suthama mudiyala. Itha ethir parkave illai


@princy_jhonny but , km stories delete pannama irundhu irukalam author, missing our km stories.


@princy_jhonny thank u author ini ungala disturb panamataen. Ivlo nal enga kmya engaluku uyira kuduthathuku romba nandri. Bye take care


@kanchimalo I have a soul sister , she pulled me out of the mental block , and she wanted me to write about something else so that I would love writing again. Iam doing this as a gratitude for her and to give hope to myself. Hope you understand.  Thank you for the love. Lots of hugs. Hope you find something that you find to love in this platform