
Please follow me.. I love to have new followers! Love you guys!


That first part of that book was outstandingly awesome. If you think I am doing this because I don't want to hurt you feelings, I am not. That was a really good first part and you should write more parts to it because it is leaving me with questions.


Hello Tamara!
          I'd like to thank you so much for the follow! You have such a beautiful name, and you're probably a beautiful person as well. I'd like to take into account at how well thought out your bio happens to be. It answers questions every reader seems to wonder about writers, so I applaud you for that. :) 
          I completely agree with your standard viewpoint on never growing up. No matter how old you get, your heart will remain young as well as the mindset you bring yourself up with. Growing up shouldn't mean the end, it should only mean more adventures and even greater mistakes that we can laugh at when we're eighty. :)
          Your location is actually so inspiring with being alone in your own destiny because it is true in every aspect of it. You do have to find your destiny alone because there is no map to tell you what you can achieve, which in my opinion is great. 
          I hope you enjoy reading my stories and they give you inspiration and a new perspective on life. 
          I hope you have a wonderful day/night,
          Tarjani xx