
A short dark read, A dark creature that stalks every movement of life, a terrifying being that you meet in the end, An inevitable consequence of life.... #DarkFiction


First of all, I'd like to thank you for not only using up your time in reading the story but also giving genuine compassion for what I'm trying to make. You're actually the first one who ever gave this book a chance and I really appreciate it so much. I've been planning to read your second story as well because the chapters I have are way too much.
          For the first chapter,  I'll try to find a better way to introduce that part since I did brought up new names to the reader. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. 
          For the second chapter, I've designed it to be a little bit of a breather because I worry that I might put a little too much for the reader. It also makes up the foundation for the dynamic Lux and Guzan have. About Guzan's hair, I meant it as a friendly rub but I still couldn't find any word to fit it. And firecracks is the crap version in their world. I'll definitely check in on the conversation they had with Louis.
          Again, thank you so much!


@Nanofied You're welcome :) The idea is really unique. You only gotta work on the structure, the flow and the amount of information you put in one chapter. Good luck!


Oh! Thank you for the follow ^^ <3


You did a very good job! so thank you for the feedback :)


@WolfUnderTheMoon89 You too <3! Hope you found my feedback useful. Its my first time so XD


Hey Priyanka~~Thanx for voting on |My First Christmas in Hell." And because you’re new to my work, (and such a sweetie), I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone . . . and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :)
          Warning: There's mature content in Part 4--but not anything you probably haven't already . . . thought about . . . or do yourself sometimes in those solitary afternoons :) 

          Enjoy my reads. (And check out SEE MORE on my profile page: 29 works)


@Califia Ooohhh the 'naughty' part did catch my attention ;)
            Will definitely check it out! 


Hey,Just wanted to know like I kindda have an idea off how she looks like and everything but still can you give me a solid description on Valentina and Amanda just the physical basics such as hair,eye,skin color etc..


@Skywolfychan Lets do some other theme for now. I don't have the blue eyes that Amanda has. And I kinda have to read the book again to know the description lol. Let's do something else! Ideas?