You know what I feel like I need to vent because everything so far has gone down the hill I got a bad grade on my test, my insecurities have started to rise I feel like crying, and recently I found out I've been having panic attacks they aren't bad but still there, because of a friend of mine me and them have to go into a group to talk about coping mechanisms because it's been revealed that we may have signs of depression, oh on top of all that hot garbage my mom has gotten upset with my weight and her and my aunt are going at it because of that, also I have signs of insomnia. Isn't all that just great I'm tired, stressed, on the verge of having a breakdown and the most hilarious part about all this is when people ask me "oh what's wrong?" Or "Are you okay you wanna talk about it?" I dont even know how to answer that question because it's like I know what's wrong with me it's like a memory or word that right there on the tip of tongue and you know what it is but you can't remember what it is I'm just so close to calling all this a quits and just being done.

Thank you I really needed that because of all the things happening lately and it's just finally came out but this really cheered me up thank you from taking time out of your day to write this for me I really appreciate it

It’s good to talk to someone about it. Tho make them swear not to say anything to anyone else. I have never had a panic attack before but I’ve seen two of my friends have one and it’s the most scary thing ever I really hope you feel better soon. My mum talks about my weight all the time too which has made me really insecure so I can understand some of what you’re going through, honestly that’s such a rude thing to do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, weight doesn’t matter, society sucks. You should never been insecure about your weight it’s not at all a big deal wear what you like, eat what you like, do whatever you like (no drugs.) and honestly you will be beautiful no matter what weight you are. I just don’t look lmao. Ugh coping mechanisms suck idk what whoever your going to talk to is going to say but from personal experiences drawing on my arm works, listening to music, reading, writing, hell I even tried writing music once (didn’t go well) find something that suits you nobody can tell you to do anything you don’t want to do. Find things to distract yourself, take up a new hobby like sewing or something fun like that. Make sure to keep your friends and talk to them. They are probably concerned and you can’t tell me that they aren’t because I thought that too but recently realised that they are better than any therapist and probably care more about me than my family do. I hope your friends are the same. I get that feeling of knowing what’s wrong with you but not knowing at the same time, life is so confusing, it throws things at you, you just need to keep going it will get better I swear, if you ever want to talk to me we can exchange trauma stories. Seriously it gets better I know that everyone says that but it is true so please give life another chance, cut contact with everyone and move school for all I care but just as long as you’re alive and happy I’m happy. Love you my platonic fiancé ❤️❤️