Hey! Thank you so much for adding EVENTIDE To your reading list! I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to let me know your thoughts!
Wide grins and lots of love,
- Isha :D
SOMEHOW STILL ALIIIIIIIIVE. Then again, I was never that active now was I...
I hope to terrorize people here on Wattpad once again with my random nonsensical comments.
I hope to write another story as well since Project Unhumanity was a Project X.
Hello anyways! To those still on Wattpad, how's it going? Tell me a little about your inspirations one day. I look forward to everyone's hard work.
Hey! I just wanted to say that I really like your writing style and use of words. Also, I really enjoy your reading list and taste in literature. Idk, but I thought you should know. :)
Welcome back, to those who have gone. Have a safe trip, to those are leaving.
Thank you for being you, to those who really need it. Remember, Insanity will always be here.
That is all...