
Sorry everyone for the lack of chapters in the past month. I had some financial issues I had to deal with-- long story short my bank info had been stolen and most of my money had been taken, and it's a tricky process for the bank to return the money to me.
          	I have been working 40+ hours a week to return the money to my bank account, and I haven't had a lot of time writing the latest chapter. I will try to make time in the future :)


@procrastination14 No worries! IRL always comes first! I hope everything got sorted out alright!


Sorry everyone for the lack of chapters in the past month. I had some financial issues I had to deal with-- long story short my bank info had been stolen and most of my money had been taken, and it's a tricky process for the bank to return the money to me.
          I have been working 40+ hours a week to return the money to my bank account, and I haven't had a lot of time writing the latest chapter. I will try to make time in the future :)


@procrastination14 No worries! IRL always comes first! I hope everything got sorted out alright!


Hello to my beautiful people!
          I realized that the versions I've uploaded with ARTRTS were done by the previous writer, and that not many of you were keen on me having them around. With that said, I'm rewriting the outline of the story with new changes that separate what they wrote compared to what I will now create.
          Please don't be alarmed that the story is gone for good because it's not! I just finished my exams, and I have more time to write! Bear with me as I also work full-time, so I might not always be able to upload one/twice a week. As my profile picture suggests, I'm returning to my passion and sharing my vision with all of you.
          I shall give all of you a brief summary of what's to come:
          - The story will not have flash-forwards. There will be flashbacks, but they will not be full fledged dialogue recounting every word/action said and done.
          - Many of you will be shocked at how characters begin the story and how they progress or regress.
          - Story will be more than 100 chapters. They will not be 2 hours long/30k+ words, they will more concise and will reach no longer than 1 hour.
          - Clay and Hannah's relationship is by far the most complex/heartwarming/heartbreaking material I have yet to explore. Many of you who read the OG will be surprised by the changes made.
          - I have yet to decide if I want the story to be part of a larger universe, let me know what you think!
          - While there is mature content in this story, please remember they are teenagers and will be treated as such.
          - Sex scenes/intimate moments are what they are: intimate. Every sex scene will serve a purpose, and isn't like Riverdale.
          - Some characters from S3 & 4 will appear, others no. If they do not serve the plot, I don't intend on having them.
          - No screencaps will be used for the chapters as I intend to you visualize with your mind than looking at a picture.
          I'll see you soon, my loves! we will begin with the prologue in the morning! :D


@314hulk hey good to meet you. There are no plans to rewrite the original stories as I don’t think they fit the narrative I’m trying to achieve. While I enjoyed and still remember them fondly, I can’t see myself writing them again.
            That being said, I am planning on making this story bigger than ever before. :D


@procrastination14 Like for example come home book


@procrastination14 It's good to have you back man I loved your stories Take your time as always and question are you gonna make the other Stories than just remember the stars