
New series. Will hopefully be adding a dream/story weekly, but you can only have so many dreams ya know?


Welcome to New Earth.
          A perfect place created for perfect people with perfect intentions. 
          But that isn't how it's turning out. It's been a hundred and seventy two years since The New Earth Authority was established.
          There has been a recent spike in criminal activity, which shouldn't be possible. Perfect people don't steal. Or murder. But they do.
          The NEA has implemented a punishment system worse than anyone has ever seen. And it's all too easy to be in the wrong place and the wrong time. So if someone has a grudge with you, watch your back.
          -Sneak peak for Transfer 12888-


For some reason, I feel compelled to share that I discovered a really cool website. It's called and it allows you to make text adventure games, which I love. You can make CYOA type games and RPG's too. I will be releasing my first game soon...
          -project infinity