Can you check out my story called “The Notebook.”
Reading Lists
[IMPORTANT PSA; PLEASE READ!] hello there! it's acacia^^ it's been a long time since i logged into this account.. as some of you may have seen from my past announcement, i've been grieving the loss of a friend of mine who had lost her life to depression. during that time, i've done a lot of thinking, and i feel i'm not fit to run this account anymore. i don't want to give too many details, but life has been really hard for me for these past two years. my mental health hasn't been the best, especially because of everything going on in the world right now, and i feel it's hypocritical of me to be preaching mental health when i myself am still struggling so hard with it. i've always meant to come back here sometime, to check up on everyone and our inbox, but i never got around to that. i know i promised that i would, and for that i'm so sorry. i would say that i'd do better, but i don't think i'll be running this account anymore. but after a lot of thought, i've decided that instead of closing this account, i'd like to hand it over to you. even though we were ia for a very long time, i'm sure this account has served as some sort of comfort for those who were and are struggling with mental illnesses, and i don't want to take this away from you. so now, i'm opening #projectbrave owner and admin applications. should you be interested in doing so, please send a short paragraph introducing yourself and stating why you'd like to run or manage this campaign to our email -> project.brave.mail@gmail.com applications are open to all, though i would prefer individuals who have had past experiences with mental illnesses before. this account has been my pride and love for a good 4 years now, and i'm hoping that i can entrust you with her. please treat her right, it's all i ask for <3 i hope you've all been well. always take care of yourselves, alright? i love each and every one of you. signing out, acacia ♡ | projectbrave
@projectbrave Hey! Please do not feel hypocritical. It often helpful for people to receive support and help from people who have been/are there because you can really understand and listen better. You have helped many people, so please do not forget that. I really hope that things get better for you and that you keep at everything you are doing, and perhaps use her life to help you through your own. I am very sorry that this has happened. I also think that perhaps some of the books should be kept dude. Just as guidelines/ideas for the new group and everything, but it is ofc your choice. Thank you for running this account and deciding to keep it up. Will we be able to reach you elsewhere?
ps. i'm not sure how many people will send applications in, so for now there won't be a deadline on applications! i'll be popping in to post updates about applications, should there be any! pps. after new owners and admins have been chosen, i'll be deleting all current works the campaign has released and clearing all our affiliates so that the new admin board will have a clean slate to start over with. love always <3
Can you check out my story called “The Notebook.”
[IMPORTANT PSA; PLEASE READ!] hello there! it's acacia^^ it's been a long time since i logged into this account.. as some of you may have seen from my past announcement, i've been grieving the loss of a friend of mine who had lost her life to depression. during that time, i've done a lot of thinking, and i feel i'm not fit to run this account anymore. i don't want to give too many details, but life has been really hard for me for these past two years. my mental health hasn't been the best, especially because of everything going on in the world right now, and i feel it's hypocritical of me to be preaching mental health when i myself am still struggling so hard with it. i've always meant to come back here sometime, to check up on everyone and our inbox, but i never got around to that. i know i promised that i would, and for that i'm so sorry. i would say that i'd do better, but i don't think i'll be running this account anymore. but after a lot of thought, i've decided that instead of closing this account, i'd like to hand it over to you. even though we were ia for a very long time, i'm sure this account has served as some sort of comfort for those who were and are struggling with mental illnesses, and i don't want to take this away from you. so now, i'm opening #projectbrave owner and admin applications. should you be interested in doing so, please send a short paragraph introducing yourself and stating why you'd like to run or manage this campaign to our email -> project.brave.mail@gmail.com applications are open to all, though i would prefer individuals who have had past experiences with mental illnesses before. this account has been my pride and love for a good 4 years now, and i'm hoping that i can entrust you with her. please treat her right, it's all i ask for <3 i hope you've all been well. always take care of yourselves, alright? i love each and every one of you. signing out, acacia ♡ | projectbrave
@projectbrave Hey! Please do not feel hypocritical. It often helpful for people to receive support and help from people who have been/are there because you can really understand and listen better. You have helped many people, so please do not forget that. I really hope that things get better for you and that you keep at everything you are doing, and perhaps use her life to help you through your own. I am very sorry that this has happened. I also think that perhaps some of the books should be kept dude. Just as guidelines/ideas for the new group and everything, but it is ofc your choice. Thank you for running this account and deciding to keep it up. Will we be able to reach you elsewhere?
ps. i'm not sure how many people will send applications in, so for now there won't be a deadline on applications! i'll be popping in to post updates about applications, should there be any! pps. after new owners and admins have been chosen, i'll be deleting all current works the campaign has released and clearing all our affiliates so that the new admin board will have a clean slate to start over with. love always <3
Are you interested in taking affiliates?
Are you accepting admins?
hello!! it's been a while, hasn't it~ it's acacia, as usual :) a dear friend of mine lost her life to depression recently, and while grieving, i thought of you guys. whether you have mental illnesses or not, i hope all of you are doing okay. no matter what, no matter what happens, please know that suicide is not a solution. talk to someone about how you feel. talk to your friends, your family, a teacher, or a social worker. if you feel like you have no one to talk to, pm us. we're here to listen, hiatus or not. it's always okay to admit you're not alright. it's not a sign of weakness or helplessness - seeking help is not a pitiful action. even if you feel as if you don't want to live anymore, try your best to find a reason to. find something you love doing. spend more time with your friends. just please, take care of yourselves. there's so much more to life than only living. take care of your friends too. tell them you love them, as often as you can. remind them that you're there, both for comfort and as a safe space to rant to. ask them if they're doing okay. ask twice to make sure. never, Never write someone's pain off as something else. i've made that mistake, and that is something i'll probably regret for the rest of my life. appreciate those you love. Show them that you do. and lastly, i love you. take care of yourselves, always. you're so, so much stronger than you'll ever realise. with so much love and immense sadness, acacia ♡ | projectbrave
hey guys!! it's me again, acacia :) i'm here to tell you some really sad news: #projectbrave is going on an indefinite hiatus. as you might've seen in my last few posts, i've been struggling to manage the account on my own, especially due to family matters and other personal matters that have been going on in the past two years of my life. i've been trying to find motivation and new ideas on how i can share the message of the campaign to all of you, but it's been hard due to a decline in my mental health, and i feel ashamed to try to tell you guys how you should deal with your mental hardships while i'm struggling myself. i've also been trying to contact the other admins (if you do see this post, please pm/ email me asap please) but my skype account was hacked into and i was locked out, and they're unreachable through wattpad dms, so i'm on my own. if you'd like to help out and become an admin, the admin form link is in the last post, and i'll be checking the campaign account's dms and emails (project.brave.mail@gmail.com) regularly in case any of you need help! thank you so so so much for your support and love up until now, and i'm so sorry that this had to happen. i love you all! please know that you are all equally capable of loving, and capable of being loved. i'll come back as soon as i can. love always, acacia ♡ | projectbrave
hello our beautiful supporters!!! acacia here, alive and breathing! my exams have finally ended, and as promised, here's the link to the admin post application form: https://goo.gl/forms/WEXY8n8LbUZxapQ22 it would mean a lot to me if some of you could pitch in and help with the campaign as i've been struggling a little lately. i'll see how enthusiastic the responses are, and hopefully i'll be able to put out an announcement for new additions to our admin board! much love always, acacia ♡ | projectbrave
our books "our affiliates" and "survival stories" have been unpublished temporarily for some editing and whatnot! however, if there are any of you that want to send in your own experiences to be published in "survival stories" when it's reposted, feel free to send it to us via PM or via email- project.brave.mail@gmail.com !
A VERY, VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: hello our lovely followers! i'm pretty sure you've all noticed that.. we haven't been very active, or done much at all lately, and it breaks my heart to say this, but: #projectbrave is officially going on hiatus. bUT before you click that unfollow button, please hear us out first, because there's something else i'd like to announce. we've all been a little too busy with personal stuff to manage this campaign, and personally, i've been sttuck in a rather tough spot lately. i've tried reaching out to the admins to discuss on what we would do with this campaign but they haven't been online lately, so i've been making the big decisions on my own. i feel like i'm not mentally fit enough to run this campaign anymore (at least for now), so i decided we'd take a little break, since my finals are coming soon as well. HOWEVER! this hiatus isn't going to be so indefinite after all: i'll be popping in after my finals are done with an admin sign-up form, and hopefully some of you will be interested in helping me run this campaign. your love and support means the WORLD to me, so please don't stop supporting our campaign and giving love and encouragements to those around you that are having a hard time. if you're struggling, please stay strong, take care of yourself, and we'll get through this together. <3 if you have any questions regarding the admin signing up or if you want to chat, you can email me here: project.brave.mail@gmail.com love always, Acacia ♡ | ProjectBrave
I am so glad to have found this!
@RealLDNash it always makes me so happy to know that our campaign is able to connect people from all around the world that are suffering from different mental illnesses, and hopefully create a safe space for them here to share their stories and experiences. :') if you'd like to share your experiences in our book Survival Stories, feel free to email your story to us! i'm also always available for a chat if you need one <3 Acacia ♡ | ProjectBrave
@projectbrave It's my pleasure to participate in such a wonderful cause to shed light on a rather large, and unnoticed, epidemic. I suffer from anxiety induced tonic - clonic seizures, photosensitive seizures, severe migraines, severe anxiety, social anxiety and manic depression. Just because you can't see my pain, doesn't mean it's not there.
I literally love this project! Keep it up! I have a question though. My story sometimes revolves around depression, anxiety, OCD and phobias. (only in fee chapters) so I can consider my story as a part of project brave?
@dis_is_anoushka as long as your story has themes about mental illnesses, it can be considered part of our campaign! feel free to add our hashtag and sticker for your book, and pm us a link to your book if you'd like to be added to our reading list! Acacia ♡ | ProjectBrave
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