#ProjectKITD was created by Wattpad users @TheAnish and @fluffywaterpotato on August 8th 2016. 

Project Kids In The Dark was created to help up-and-coming Wattpad users between the ages of 13-24. We want to help as many of you as we can and feel we needed to create an account like this.


If you do want to be a part of this project, please e-mail: projectkidsinthedark@hotmail.com

  • in the cinema watching an indian movie
  • DołączyłDecember 7, 2015

Ostatnia Wiadomość
projectkidsinthedark projectkidsinthedark Dec 02, 2018 08:28AM
This is Admin @LuvReina, know it’s been awhile, a lot has happened over the past three years, but I shall continue this project cause I still believe in it and what it stands for. I The other admin‘s...
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Dzieła autorstwa projectkidsinthedark
What is #ProjectKidsInTheDark? autorstwa projectkidsinthedark
What is #ProjectKidsInTheDark?
A description on #ProjectKITD
ranking #445 w writers Zobacz wszystkie rankingi
ProjectKidsInTheDark Playlist autorstwa projectkidsinthedark
ProjectKidsInTheDark Playlist
Playlist made by us and you for everyone
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Admins  autorstwa projectkidsinthedark
The admins and founders of #ProjectKITD
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