SENPAI SENPAI SENPAI IM BACK FROM THE DEAD!! how's everything goin? everything good? how's uni? how's life? how you doing?? it's almost christmas !! i'm sorry i disappeared off the radar again (grade 11 is so tough... tougher than overcooked steak...) i am Officially Wrecked because of homework and nct (holy shoot... they are so good... their choreo is impossible tho) and svt's comeback (also your boy seungkwan is so beautiful this comeback i spit out my drink and cried i'm officially tri-biasing holy wow and his dancing has always been on fire but clap made me turn off my computer and sit there blinking the emotion out of my eyes) in other words, hello !!!!! i miss you lots!!!

@thjaslyn JASSSS I MISSED YOU WE NEED TO HANG OUT SOMETIME YEAH?? oh dude don't even worry about it, grade 12 is even worse and university will be a nightmare depending on how many courses you take. i just finished up my first semester of uni and it was a wild ride haha... and omg yes!!!! this comeback was firin i'm so shook... baksu.... i missed you too bby!!!!