
@MidnightPoison  thanks for the review :D 
          	and i actually didnt realise that it was so short. and i have a feeling youll be happy with what im planning to do with the story, although i need more of a plot. he still needs to finds out about her horrible life and mum. so well see what happens.
          	but yeh, thanks!!! and ill make the next one longer :) x


@MidnightPoison  thanks for the review :D 
          and i actually didnt realise that it was so short. and i have a feeling youll be happy with what im planning to do with the story, although i need more of a plot. he still needs to finds out about her horrible life and mum. so well see what happens.
          but yeh, thanks!!! and ill make the next one longer :) x


Hey! I read chapter three! It's pretty good but why should she deny her feelings for Johnny? She should tell him how she feels so they can be together and he feels the same way so it should work out, I really wanna see them together. If you can do make the chapters a bit longer than one page, please?
          Oh and if it's not too much for you, can you please read my stories 'Worlds Apart' and 'Connected'? I'd really appreciate that.


Hello there! My name is Dani and, as you can predict, I am typing to you to ask if you wouldn’t mind reading a few of my stories, especially my most popular ones: “The Feeder”, “Gone Bad”, “Choose A Lover”, and “The Mutant in Me”… If you don’t have the time to read any of my stories, I understand because a lot of people have important things to do unlike me :( … Anyways I’m not trying to force you to read anything of mine, but if you could it would be really awesome of you. 
          Hope to hear from you soon, 


@MidnightPoison  awww thanks so much :') that means so much, and i promise promise promise i will write the next chapter THIS weekend. thats also when im going to be a big massive nerd machine and sit here reading everyones stories XD including yours, which i am sure are absolutely fantastic x


Hey! I read your story 'Why me?' and I have to say, you're an amazing writer! Your writing style is awesome-makes me feel like a loser now-but you're just too good. You should totally continue the story-and not disappoint desperate fans like me-cause I can't wait to read what happens next.
          Could you return the favour and read mine? They're called 'Connected' and 'Worlds Apart'. I'd really appreciate that.


hey you.......yes you looking at screen 
          im kinda a newbe it would mean alot to me if you could take a look at my story, i know that they arent grate cuz i just started writing....... 
          see if you could tell me what you REALLY think like what im good at and what i need work on that would help SO much....... 
          because all the people that have read it say like 'good work' or 'keep going' but that dont help me get better so i would be really thankful if you did this... 


well ive read your story, like you asked, and i left my comments and votes and such. i even fanned :). you are a writer with great potential and i'd love to see how the story progresses. i'm also starting my first story and could use as much feedback as i can get (i'm sure you know what i mean.) the story's called "Lifejackets, Camouflage, and Marmalade the Horse" please read? thanks :)