
  /  crawls back 


"Sorry — I didn't... mean to interrupt. Were you talking with someone?" she tried to see if there was anyone behind him, and since there wasn't anyone, she looked down at his hands to see if she spotted a phone. Nothing... weird. Was he talking out loud to himself? She could bet there was someone else in the building.
          // sorry this is late, my darling !! </3


   "Haha,  yeah—"  he would have to accept that her life was slightly insane,  because he'd never fought ninjas before so he would just nod with a stupid smile on his face.  Although,  he imagined she was just kidding,  so he thought it was okay to laugh.  He was trying to pretend he wasn't stressed as hell in that moment,  because he was good at that.  "Is there anything I can do to help??  I'm—  I'm free.  Available.  By which I mean—  uh,  there's nothing on my calendar right now.  Obviously."  
            /   @-russianspies   <33


She lowered her eyebrows (even more). Confused, sure, but she decided not to comment on anything else. People talked to themselves out loud, didn't they? Well, she didn't. But many others did. Perhaps she was mistaken to think there was someone else there, indeed. Good, she trusted Dex enough to be relaxed in his presence. He had helped her before, when she had no one else to count on but herself... but she wouldn't be so quick to put her guard down if there was anyone else there. "Yeah, thanks. Just catching my breath. There's a limit one can take of fighting ninjas for a day, am I right?" she attempted a little joke, though she didn't really smile at that.
            // <333 absolutely, thank *YOU*, my dearest xx


   "What?  No!  Haha,  no,  I wasn't—  I didn't say anything.  Not out loud.  Not that you'd hear it if it was in my head,  anyway...  Sorry."  He had such lousy luck,  he was realising,  as his mom found it quite easy to scuttle off and laugh to herself.  "Uh—  are you okay?  Can I help you with something?"  
            /   @-widowmakers   dw!!! <333 xx ily2 tysm


"Are you sure you want *me* to help you in the kitchen? Do you have a fire extinguisher somewhere? Just for precaution, you know."
          // <333


"'Aggressively purple' is bound to be my favourite description, like, *ever*," the young archer said with a laugh, patting his shoulder as way to let him know he didn't need to aim for 'forgiveness' for a tease, she loved joking around! "I... I'm not so sure about that, but I definitely love the the optimism and appreciate the hype, so let's go!" she said it all very quickly and with a cheerful tone that almost made it hard to understand her words, raising a fist in the air like in a victory motion.


   "Of course,  you're my aggressively purple friend!  You're always on my mind!"  Dexter offered in an explanation to aim for forgiveness after his teasing comment.  Friendly banter,  after all!  It was totally fair.  "Yeah,  okay,  this is good.  We're gonna make the best pasta you've ever had in your entire life!"  
            /   @-hawkeyes 


"Aw," she placed a hand over her chest dramatically. "I'm touched you thought of me!" the young archer laughed then, bumping her shoulder against his carefully. "No way? Really?! Well, then -- I think we'll do just fine, then. I've never had more than two fires in the same try," she countered jokingly, tilting her head slightly to watch him. A wide smile on her face. "What are your thoughts on this one?" she pointed at the recipe on the book. "It includes pasta. Pasta is usually easier, isn't it?"


   his smile couldn't widen any further as he took the kitten,  stroking his head and rambling in the same baby-voice out of adoration.  he loved kittens!   "awww,  look at him."  his voice was almost as if he was going to cry,  but it was all out of admiration towards the little kitten.  "this is the best day of my life.  it's not everyday you get to meet a kitten out of nowhere!!" 
          /   @-greywidows 


   he grinned back at her at the question,  shrugging and deciding he'd tell her about it later on.  because,  he had bigger things to worry about!  one being the adorable kitten.   "heyyy,  saturn!"  he cooed in a high-pitched voice,  moved by both the adorable cat but also the meaning behind it.  "ohmygod can i??"  
          /   @-greywidows   <333 


   "hi!"  he was pleasantly surprised with the company,  and so he shifted to the side slightly to smile politely at her.  he had a few books in his lap which he shifted slightly for the sake of comfort,  a small chuckle at the question.  "kind of—  ohmygod,  hold on,  who is this??"  suddenly,  dexter was far more interested in the sight of the kitten,  as his eyes widened and his grin became impossibly more enthusiastic.  
          /   @-greywidows   tysmm <33


"My first job as a superhero was to stop a mean fight between two mimes working in the same area. Would you believe that?!"
          // <333


"Right? Thank you!" after all, Batman had no super powers, just like her. Besides, you never saw her and Batman in the same place, so she could totally be Batman! Joking aside, it was always the well-trained heroes that she admired, and not the ones with super powers (no offense to them). That explained why she was so madly in love with Hawkeye and Black Widow (platonically, of course). "Ah, it was quick -- I threatened them both with bombs... easy! Not real ones, it was all done in their crazy, mime ways. Although I might've made them believe I had actual explosives -- maybe."


   "You are so Batman."  He nodded enthusiastically —  because Batman was pretty cool,  and so was she,  so he made the connection there.  Besides,  she knew herself better than anyone else did,  so if she saw more similarities with Batman he was 100% on her side!  "How long did it take for you to get them to break it up?"  He imagined it would take him quite a lot of loud begging for them to stop,  but maybe she had smarter methods.  Or maybe even quicker ones.  There was a method to her madness,  he could tell,  and he personally was a huge fan!  
            /   @-silverbirds 


She was interested in hearing from him too, though! Actually, Anna 'envied' his composed and calm nature. He looked like such a cool guy in her eyes, like a Yoda of sorts, she almost hoped he would teach her his ways so she would stay out of trouble. She was too afraid of asking him, though, because she didn't think she was ready to put her life in order. She was born and raised within the *chaos* that imagining an organized life sounded only like a distant dream. "Oh, they did. If I understood it right, they called me Supergirl. And I'm so freaking offended, because I'm much more of a Batman! ...Anyways, when I arrived, it was already a mix of both! Sometimes they pretended getting hit, sometimes they pretended to dodge it. Let me tell you, it's something that'll be forever carved in my brain."