
If I could do anything, I think I would shrink myself to the size of a mouse. I'd leave the world of men behind me forever and live amongst the mice. And I would bring technology and art to these uncultured swines, and I would build tiny tools for their mouse hands made of toothpicks and marshmallows. And I would be their King... nay... their Prince! Gilderoy the Mouse Prince! Ruling from my grand castle, inches high, carved from the finest cheeses. And there I would dwell with my three mouse wives, and my twelve mouse concubines. Oh, ho ho ho ho! Oh, but the wars we'll have with the frogs... terrible. Just terrible. The metal mice warriors, the atrocities they've seen... Yes. That is my dream


If I could do anything, I think I would shrink myself to the size of a mouse. I'd leave the world of men behind me forever and live amongst the mice. And I would bring technology and art to these uncultured swines, and I would build tiny tools for their mouse hands made of toothpicks and marshmallows. And I would be their King... nay... their Prince! Gilderoy the Mouse Prince! Ruling from my grand castle, inches high, carved from the finest cheeses. And there I would dwell with my three mouse wives, and my twelve mouse concubines. Oh, ho ho ho ho! Oh, but the wars we'll have with the frogs... terrible. Just terrible. The metal mice warriors, the atrocities they've seen... Yes. That is my dream


Wgl to przypomniało mi się jak kiedyś chyba byłam w związku z tym profilem


Czyli smerf została pół sierotą


@-aleksandretta  biorac pod uwage jak bardzo ten profil obecnie jest martwy, powinnam ci teraz zlozyc kondolencje jako wdowie


Jesus supped with his apostles


No ja ci bachora nie urodze, pies to maksimum 


@horeszko  i dzieci by sie przydały bo trzb dbac o przyszlosc narodu


Widzisz jakie my jestesmy myslace do przodu
            Ile to juz? Rok? Stare byki z nas, trza pomyśleć o emeryturze jakiejs