
Follow my roleplaying account at @unwound- if you wish! 


Sorry I haven't updated my Our Secrets' Worth, I've been on holiday! But, I'll be updating the three chapters I've missed over the course of the holiday, and a bonus story in my 'Thoughts And Scribblings': 'Why I Shot My Lover'. Give it a read, if you're interested, of course!


Hey, the next chapters of Our Secret's Worth are up, so if you don't mind, could you possibly read it? And, if you really liked it, please vote and comment! I want to know which character's the most popular.


Hey, fellow nerd. I just had to follow up from the nerdy club. Can I follow you? (Sorry, I like to ask. I think it makes me more polite)


            Hey, thanks for the follow. I just had a super nerdy moment, just now. I dance whenever I follow someone. It doesn't help that I'm listening to Echosmith cool kids right now :)


@Rubyruth12 Sure! You really didn't have to ask, but I 100% appreciate your politeness, fellow nerd.