
NEW RBS PART dropping this Friday!! ❤️
          	Catch “The Fall Itself” on May 17th!
          	Thanks for all the love and support, 
          	Nez <3


HEY!!!! So for everyone reading my red band society fanfic, you guys should know I updated it, and I plan on updating it on a better schedule this year :) Also, in honor of New Years, I've created a cover for Alex Carter. I might create a new one, I don't know how I feel about it :/ I'm also thinking up a girl to play Alex for the cast list, and if anyone has any suggestions, I'd welcome them!!! ;) So, thank you guys for being so supportive,  I love u all!!!!
          And don't forget to vote and comment!!! <3 Nez 


I need to make a cover for Alex Carter, i know. The thing is, I'm not really artistically gifted :(. IF ANY OF YOU ARE, (followers or readers) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. You can pm me, or comment, something. I will dedicate a part to you and/or give you a shout out. But I could really use your guys' help with this. 
          <3 Nez


OMG it has been soooo long. too long :) To all those reading my redband society fanfiction, I apologize for having not updated sooner!!!! IT HAS BEEN A MONTH!!! wow, I can't believe it. Please forgive me, it's not like I don't like the story, or don't want to write it, life just swept me up and away....I hope you guys understand...but anyway I WILL DEFINITELY BE UPDATING SOON. I'm so sorry it's gone this long I know how  it feels to be on your side of things, and it sucks so I'm so sorry :( Thank you guys for all the support and encouragement, all the people who've offered to make covers, and begged me to update, have touched my heart... I love you guys, and if I haven't updated by the end of the week, something is seriously wrong with me and you guys can come after me with pitchforks and torches...Not really. Please don't. This is the 21st century. :) <3Nez


Hey, guys, I just wanted to say that I'm SO SORRY I haven't updated, I've been SUPER BUSY. I have another chapter for Alex Carter in the works, and I hope you guys like it!!!! :) I jumped for joy when I saw I had 1.8K reads!!!!!!!! That's incredible!!! Thank you all for the support, and I love you all. :) So, I'm asking you all to PLEASE hang in there, and I will be sure to touch up on all the drama, and characters. <3 Nez


Hey all, I just wanted to: 1. Thank you guys for  being so supportive and being the greatest ever. I've reached 1.2K reads for Alex Carter!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEE!!! XD This has been so exciting. Anyways, I just wanted to warn you all that I won't be updating this week because I' going to a service camp! I'm so excited for it!!!!! I'll tell you all how it goes! 
          Love you all, 
          Nez <3


Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks  for all the votes and reads! A real cover for Alex Carter is in the works, I just want to make sure it's perfect. However, I'm not the best at this, so if anyone has any ideas or anything, that'd be great :) I also wanted to apologize for the last chapter of Alex Carter, it felt a  little off. I mean, It's been voted on, so, if you guys like it, I'll leave it the way it is, but if not, I'll fix it up. So, anyway, thanks for all the support! Love you all <3 ---Nez