
@ambersunset24: only if you check out mine


Hey, I was wondering if you could check out one of my stories (or even both :D) 
          ♪Who Ever Said Life Was Easy? 
          My life has never been easy. With my abuse step-father and drug addict mother, how could it be? Then there's school. It's my escape but at the same time I have no friends. Everyone thinks I'm wierd, and I guess wearing winter clothes in the summer might be why. But not having friends makes hiding the truth easier. However, all this changes when a new student notices me... 
          orrr there is 
          ♫Operation K.I.L.L. 
          After Christian Cruz almost dies from a faulty experiment, she is out for revenge. After getting her revenge a mystery guy appears and brings her to K.I.L.L. to become an assassin in training.