
Hi guys! I've returned to this account again, however not under any 1D conditions. I'm over my phase and I will be writing lots of other schmucks on here, Sci-Fi related. And maybe romcom ones too. 
          	Just to let you know, One Direction. Really?! will still be up for you all to read but I won't be responding to questions and suggestions anymore since I regard that fan fiction as my 11 year old source of obsessing over bands. So yeah. G'luck.


Hi guys! I've returned to this account again, however not under any 1D conditions. I'm over my phase and I will be writing lots of other schmucks on here, Sci-Fi related. And maybe romcom ones too. 
          Just to let you know, One Direction. Really?! will still be up for you all to read but I won't be responding to questions and suggestions anymore since I regard that fan fiction as my 11 year old source of obsessing over bands. So yeah. G'luck.


Hi everyone!
          Just a little note - I will start to use this account less and less, due to my decreasing interest of writing fan fictions (sorry!) anymore. Don't be upset though - I have a new Wattpad account where you all can follow! It won't be 1D-related anymore (it depends, I'm planning a story that revolves around 1D but isn't BASED on them), and I'll be writing something different.
          Follor @CarrieSnow right now and you won't be disappointed! I already have one story posted, which is called 'The Honesty Game' and it would mean so very much if you commented/voted! :)