
this message may be offensive
For all the Rusame shippers who just so happen to be authors I have an idea I want to propose to you all.
          	It's essentially SpyXFamily but Rusame and Alaska(or whichever state fits best)
          	Just Imagine... Clumsy Ame being a light-hearted fun loving manwife by day. But a badass bitch by night. 
          	Alaska being the adorable child that they are (who could read minds)
          	And Russia. The man who claims to not care for his fake family, but who in the end loves them to fucking bits. (And just so happens to be a badass in his own right.)
          	Aaand ye!
          	I'm.. not great at writing these two but I really love the idea. If someone does end up making this into a fic please tell me. I need my fill of Rusame being parents who don't know if they're parenting right but still are doing there best.


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For all the Rusame shippers who just so happen to be authors I have an idea I want to propose to you all.
          It's essentially SpyXFamily but Rusame and Alaska(or whichever state fits best)
          Just Imagine... Clumsy Ame being a light-hearted fun loving manwife by day. But a badass bitch by night. 
          Alaska being the adorable child that they are (who could read minds)
          And Russia. The man who claims to not care for his fake family, but who in the end loves them to fucking bits. (And just so happens to be a badass in his own right.)
          Aaand ye!
          I'm.. not great at writing these two but I really love the idea. If someone does end up making this into a fic please tell me. I need my fill of Rusame being parents who don't know if they're parenting right but still are doing there best.


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Guess who finally graduated bitches?!?!
          This bitch!
          Four long years of ass are finally over! (Until the next four, but shhh)
          Class of 2022 baby!!


@psyco-chan wooo!! Happy graduation my dude! My sister also is in Class of 2022:) honestly it’s best class to ever exist


Sooo it's been a hot minute. And i am low key panicking. Monstly because a tropicla storm is heading on its way, people have been panick buying, and we're currently waiting on the government for what to do next. 
          So yeah, not fun. On a lighter note, my oanic has given me ideas (albeit they're extremely angst ridden but who cares?).
          Also to those who are reading this. Please forgive my god awful spelling mistakes. I'm writing this late at night and most of my family are dead asleep


Heyyy- I have good news!
          The Renevior is officially back, and refurbished too. :3
          The first chapter is up and ready to read.


@psyco-chan Pftt- no problem!


@Amaura1406 Oh heck yeah! Thanks for telling


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Ayo guys it's been a hot minute. I haven't been on here for a while now and I am extremely confused.
          Cause I was reading this one specific Rusame fanfic (as one does) and I can't for the life of me find it.
          The Main Character was Rus and he and his siblings were sent to this school where they get powers from this crystal thingy. Then they had ties that changed colors depending what type of power you had.
          If I remember correctly the colors were, red, blue, yellow (?), White and green. (Might be wrong)
          And not only that but I remember asking the creator for the meanings of said colors and screenshotting that one comment just so I could remember it in the future. But fuck that fanfic was good. And I really want to read it. So please help, and if it's been deleted please tell me.


@psyco-chan I’m going to revise a lot of it so that the plot makes a bit more sense. I’ll tell you when I repost it :D


@psyco-chan oh gosh that reminded me of a book that I read back when I entered the fandom:( it was a fairly long book and it had rusame in it. The plot was that Britain was jealous of America spending time with people so you kidnapped him. After a while Russia found him and out of range Ame killed Britain 
            The wishes I knew what it was because it had killer music that went along with every chapter


Ok to everyone who's in the CH fandom I have a head cannon for you guys. 
          So you know how Canada gets shipped mostly with Ukraine and Mexico? 
          Yeah caveman brain said. "Ooga Booga. If Uki like Nada, and Mex like Nada. Why no both like Nada?"
          He had two hands!! So why not make him Poly? (As in polyamorous not polygamy)
          Just a thought tho. Don't know how this would work in an actual fanfic. But it's a nice thought.


@psyco-chan  :0 oh yeah there is those two ships. I like both thoooooooo!!!


actually i’m not gonna lie, i do like that idea
            i’ll be taking this..
            *shoves headcanon into suitcase and runs*


@psyco-chan maybe because I just thought about it after being indecisive on who to ship Nada with. I don't mind CanaMex or Ukranada I just really like the idea of Nada having more then one person to love him. He needs all the love and affection he can get.


I wrote like... 2 chapthers for this CH fanfic. Both about 1000-1500 words give or take. And I am now contemplating if posting the story would even be worth it. 


Alright thanks for the feedback!


@psyco-chan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ give it a shot you never know


I have to urge to write a fanfic about this one character who I know for a fact barely anyone knows and well i already drew a cover for it.
          Now I'm contemplating if i should write it or not. Plus I feel kinda scared of people finding out I like this fandom or the character I'm writing it about.
          Care to help me in my dilemma?


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Guess what people?!? I'm alivvveeee! And life has been shit. I'll mostly post random stories from now on seeing as I don't think I'm mentally stable enough to write a whole ass story. 
          Anyways that's all! Sorry for bothering ya!


@VeeSanders it's good to be back