I'm currently trying to find my way out of my head as I write this but I need you or anyone that cares to know this: I need THE ANTS THAT CARRIED US.
When people call something art, they mean to flatter it. Cover it in more colors than it already has. Say that it is good while acknowledging that it was created by an artist. Your book can't be complimented as art -- it is art in itself. That book never needed to be praised, it offered it's own flattery. It was perfect in every sense of the word. To alter it would have been a crime. It was so beautiful I lacked the skill to properly critique it. World building, character development, plot twists and surprises, characters that were people, that drove the plot and made the story. Never a dull moment, never missing a beat. Tensions rising till the very end only to rip our hearts from our chests in a moment when we thought we could finally catch our breaths. That was The Ants that Carried Us -- poetry and prose. Art. And now it's gone.
I might be wrong but I'll allow my bias speak and say there will never --NEVER-- be another book as good as yours on this platform. You gave us a gift and then so heartlessly took it away. I don't understand why. Please tell me so I can try to console myself. I associated that book with a level of perfection and happiness I can't even begin to describe and now it's gone. Why? Just why?
Please say you plan on publishing. Please say it was a mistake. Please say something, ANYTHING to make me reconcile why I have to mourn the death of the world that existed in your words.
I don't understand why and I honestly don't want to. I just know I NEED The Ants that Carried Us. I need it back, I need it now.