
Lmaooo I've been toying with the idea of majorly revising/rewriting Ants, rereading a bit of it as well as comments left by others, and i just realized I never once gave a physical description of Takehiko the entire book. How did i set away with this?
          	Also if anybody has thoughts for me I'd be interested to hear them. Thinking of getting rid of Abu all together.


@minahava oh yeah, that definitely makes way more sense now that you've illuminated. I was so confused because the draw in for me was definitely Minos telepathically controlling his father and throughout the book I see none of that and I'm like... What just happened? Was I lied to!? Anywho, your story and writing and characters and plot and everything else kept me glued to my screen, so thank you for that. Thank you. Xoxo


@The_Big_Big_k hi! Thanks so much for reading. Yeaaa i don't know where I was going with hakan and his daughters, that was a first draft thing that won't make it into the comic I'm turning this thing into... Maybe if it was a longer series but alas. Also the blurb says "telepathic domination of his father' (minos's father's telepathy) so maybe the wording is just confusing. Thanks very much for the comments and insight


@RunninDreamCatcher @minahava I was also like, what's up with these brothers, confused me a lot. What did they want and why did the guy with the daughters have to die... Still very much mad and emotional about that! But also, ohh, the blurb, I think you have to change it cause there's nowhere where Minos telepathically controls the emperor, so it's kinda like false advertising. 


Yoooooo I'm back to snoop around on wattpad and jesus so much has changed. I was gonna PM but that's gone apparently. Your username's changed.
          But more importantly--where are your books!?


            The top dog of wattpad says her writing quality was embarrassing? O.o  also webcomic?? That's p freakin cool, anything i can get my hands on?
            Yeah I'm still writing lol. Wrote half a novel, 2 short stories, one full novella over the years. I'm back on wattpad to join their ONC contest lol


@thisisRoy Roy! it's been a long time! yeah, i took it down. writing quality is a little embarrassing and also i'm adapting into a webcomic. you still writing?


I'm currently trying to find my way out of my head as I write this but I need you or anyone that cares to know this: I need THE ANTS THAT CARRIED US.
          When people call something art, they mean to flatter it. Cover it in more colors than it already has. Say that it is good while acknowledging that it was created by an artist. Your book can't be complimented as art -- it is art in itself. That book never needed to be praised, it offered it's own flattery. It was perfect in every sense of the word. To alter it would have been a crime. It was so beautiful I lacked the skill to properly critique it. World building, character development, plot twists and surprises, characters that were people, that drove the plot and made the story. Never a dull moment, never missing a beat. Tensions rising till the very end only to rip our hearts from our chests in a moment when we thought we could finally catch our breaths. That was The Ants that Carried Us -- poetry and prose. Art. And now it's gone.
          I might be wrong but I'll allow my bias speak and say there will never --NEVER-- be another book as good as yours on this platform. You gave us a gift and then so heartlessly took it away. I don't understand why. Please tell me so I can try to console myself. I associated that book with a level of perfection and happiness I can't even begin to describe and now it's gone. Why? Just why?
          Please say you plan on publishing. Please say it was a mistake. Please say something, ANYTHING to make me reconcile why I have to mourn the death of the world that existed in your words.
          I don't understand why and I honestly don't want to. I just know I NEED The Ants that Carried Us. I need it back, I need it now.


Thanks for adding In Their Domain to your reading list!!


Thanks so much for all of the thoughtful comments and feedback!! ^^


@HicksScribbles of course! Your stuff looks great


Thank you for the follow as well!!


I don’t know if you’ll ever get to read this but I just wanted to say that Ants has stuck in my mind since I first read it many years ago. You are an excellent writer. I no longer use Wattpad, but I downloaded it just to reread your book. I can’t wait to restart on this rollercoaster of emotions. 
          I was also surprised that you don’t have much more recognition, you write so well but I didn’t see any paid works?


@ClaudiaDepouli thank you so much!!!  Currently working on developing it into a webcomic. I'll post a link here when I'm ready to upload. Yep, no paid works. I'd rather have it freely accessible 


Lmaooo I've been toying with the idea of majorly revising/rewriting Ants, rereading a bit of it as well as comments left by others, and i just realized I never once gave a physical description of Takehiko the entire book. How did i set away with this?
          Also if anybody has thoughts for me I'd be interested to hear them. Thinking of getting rid of Abu all together.


@minahava oh yeah, that definitely makes way more sense now that you've illuminated. I was so confused because the draw in for me was definitely Minos telepathically controlling his father and throughout the book I see none of that and I'm like... What just happened? Was I lied to!? Anywho, your story and writing and characters and plot and everything else kept me glued to my screen, so thank you for that. Thank you. Xoxo


@The_Big_Big_k hi! Thanks so much for reading. Yeaaa i don't know where I was going with hakan and his daughters, that was a first draft thing that won't make it into the comic I'm turning this thing into... Maybe if it was a longer series but alas. Also the blurb says "telepathic domination of his father' (minos's father's telepathy) so maybe the wording is just confusing. Thanks very much for the comments and insight


@RunninDreamCatcher @minahava I was also like, what's up with these brothers, confused me a lot. What did they want and why did the guy with the daughters have to die... Still very much mad and emotional about that! But also, ohh, the blurb, I think you have to change it cause there's nowhere where Minos telepathically controls the emperor, so it's kinda like false advertising. 


i have decided i should just publish this story i'm writing because it was the only way i ever finished ants and i am just taking so long fiddling with it


very different in setting, spirit, and plot though imo


eh it's a what we steal remodel. so yes and no. im still writing it


@minahava is it a new one or a remake?


Thank you for writing The  Ants That Carried Us. That’s honestly all I can say because there truly are no words to describe how the book made me feel and the adventure it carried me on. So once again thank you, and I hope to read more of your works