To everyone who has been here since day one 4-5 years ago. Thanks. I know I haven’t been active like at all for a good few years but I promise I will make it up with anything you guys want.
To everyone who has been here since day one 4-5 years ago. Thanks. I know I haven’t been active like at all for a good few years but I promise I will make it up with anything you guys want.
@Juuzou_suzuya11 What the hell?! You don't know anything about her! You don't tell someone to kill themselves and then call them a whore. That makes you look bad...You know if I were you I would back off...because your just a just hate on others for attention...I'm a nice and loving person who supports her! You on the other hand don't. Like she said you are a 15 year old who had about 65 Girlfriends in two months. Not cool. Don't start hating on people just because you don't like them. What the hell man...
@Juuzou_suzuya11 How the fuck do you know that shit? You know at least i'm a nice person unlike you. Commenting around this innocent profile that did nothing to you, but your doing something to this person, and it's giving shitty comments. Fuck with me if you want to, but it aint gonna work because apparently you don't know how to.
@Juuzou_suzuya11 that is not fucking true your fucking ass hole, i only have one boyfriend that i have been dating for a long time. and im no thot because i respect myself more than you do and if you really want to talk about whore......haha dont get me started your a 15 year old that has had about 65 gfs in two months so go ahead keep talking ....cause im ready.
@Juuzou_suzuya11 Hold the fuck up what the actual fuck are you saying? Telling this girl to kill herself? can you be a fucking grown up and realize what you fucking said?! I'm 14 years old and I know better than you. I'm sorry if this is a late reply but I think this needs to be said.
@Juuzou_suzuya11 Hey, leave her alone! I don't know what you're going through, but you don't need to take it out on others. @published_love doesn't deserve you to be so rude. F*** off!!