Working on a new story. I still haven't figured out a title. I'm not gonna start uploading till I'm about... half way finished with it. But heres a little snipit from it :) Enjoy
Chapter 1:
People say that life is a gift. A privlage even.. That you should never take it for granted and live every daylike its your last. But what if you really did have only one day to live? What if you go to sleep tonight and never wake up? Would anyone miss you? Theres no way to really know unless you experience it. But the only way to experience it, is to die. So whos to really know?
So many innocent people die every day. For no reason at all. Yet so many take that for granted. “That'll never happen to me.” you think. Till it does. One day you're laughing with your friends and then the next, your kidnapped on the way home from school locked in a basement. Younever really know whats going to happen.
It's hard. Not to take risks in your life. I mean, you only live once right? So why waste your days being boring and not doing anything to make it all worth while? But what if something happens to you. What if something happens...and you're no longer around? You're dead and gone. Nothing can bring you back.
Cherish is a word used a lot in my life. Cherish you're family time, cherish the time with your friends, cherish that last meal, you might not live for the next one. It's hard to say when a person is going to die. It might be a year from now. Maybe 2. Maybe a month. A week. A day. An hour... a minute...right now..
“Hold on sweetie...” my mother held my hand as I gasped for air. My lungs were on fire as we sped down the deserted highway. I clsoed my eyes and prayed. Prayed that if I died tonight, that my mother would move on. Move on with her life and not let my memory haunt her for the rest of her life. Who would want that? To not be overwhelmed with grief. If I died tonight, I prayed for her to forget about me... the lung cancer stricken Aubrey Thompson.