Hi ! First of all- I'm sorry for disappearing like that. I haven't told you all yet in detail but there was shift changes and now I am working during nighttime. Causes me to sleep during the day.
It was tiring to the point all I do is sleep and rest during my free time. But I hope I get my time back to start updating. For Million miles away book for our resident cherry blossom, chapter 2 is almost done. I just need to do some editing.
For Take flight fic, Halfway done- just need to gather again all drafts I created during breaks since I try to write during my lunch TT
I can't promise that I will post a chapter this week but I will try. I need to get my life together Hahaha being an Adult is hard.
Also, I would love to hear opinions about how I write my fics so I can see if there are things to improve.
Anyways, This is Cherry, my lovelies! I will be signing out for now and I will see you soon next week. I hope you are all doing great! Bye!