Whats going on/life update: I have had tcap all week and i will have it all of next week.(it’s basically finals.) they count 20% of my grade this last quarter and to be honest I really need to bring my grades up in 2 of my classes. And sadly school comes before writing. Because i will not be able to write if I’m grounded for bad grades. So that’s why I’m not updating right now. I will go on summer break soon which i will be able to write during. But i have a hectic time before spring break because my brother is turning 18 and then he graduates a week later. Then my grandpa and great uncle both have cancer right now so I have a lot of stuff going on that takes up free time to write right now because I’m not focusing on updating. And then usually when i get home from school i just want to lay down and sleep or just read a book or watch some tv. So hope you guys understand why i am not updating but hopefully i will have time soon. Hope you guys have a wonderful day.❤️❤️