I have a couple fics I’d love to turn into non-fan-fic books, but I can’t. Imagine if I got published (I can dream) and people said, “I remember reading that on Wattpad when it was about Shawn Mendes!” I don’t want to be exposed that way, and now I’m sad that I probably wasted my best stories on a celebrity. Ugh.

@pumpkinspiciest I don't think you should see it that way. You have an incredible talent for writing, and your fanfics are amazing. Maybe it doesn't feel like it to you, but people read them and will continue to do so. Nothing is stopping you from writing non-fanfics and I'm sure they'll be just as great. But don't ever think that you wasted time on the ones you've already written.

@mendesbean98 But they’d question why I was using a pen name. I regret writing these fics but at the same time, I don’t know if I’d ever have gotten into writing without them. I def think I wasted my talent here and now that the fandom is DEAD it’s depressing.