
As a little thank you, here's are a few fun bits about the Songbird: 
          	1) we've veered so far off the original plot. 
          	2) Osman was originally Murad. 
          	3) In the original plot, Hasna was gifted to Gulfem BY Suleiman. 
          	4) There are two potential endings to this fic and I still haven't decided which way it is going. 
          	5) Don't forget about the dreams.


As a little thank you, here's are a few fun bits about the Songbird: 
          1) we've veered so far off the original plot. 
          2) Osman was originally Murad. 
          3) In the original plot, Hasna was gifted to Gulfem BY Suleiman. 
          4) There are two potential endings to this fic and I still haven't decided which way it is going. 
          5) Don't forget about the dreams.


I'm going away for a little while. Completely last minute, but I will have time to write a little so hopefully will stay ahead. I am leaning toward an Ahmed Story, mostly because older Kosem really irritated me. Here's a little hint, it would be called "The First"


I am currently 3 chapters ahead on The Songbird. I am back in my program in September, so for now the update Schedule remains committed to Sundays, but Starting September it might reduce to every other.
          Additionally I am leaning more toward Selim or Ahmed, I have begun researching Murad but Kosem in the later season really drives me insane and makes it hard to watch.


Not that the Songbird is anywhere near finished, but I am going to start committing to planning a second book. Would people be more interested in Selim or Ahmed? Or even another Suleiman story?


@vechernyaya I have been considering it but lowkey I have half of an Ahmed story fleshed out (though it's actually not in the 1st 10 eps) and Selim as well. Murad is my least fleshed out, but I have been considering it. Farya pisses me off but lowkey so does Ayse, writing them will be hard. I'd be willing to give it a shot. I was also considering a Bali Bey story.


@punkette123 what do you think of a murad story? though if you're not interested then i'd say another suleiman one! 