
Aaaaand finished! The end of The Surgeon. I hope you enjoyed my little short horror story that I wrote in grade 7. Sorry it took so long for me to finish it.


Hey guys! Guess who FINALLY updated The Surgeon! There will only be one more chapter after the one I just added and then it's finished. Thank you to whoever voted my story even though it was only four people  I came in 36th for detail and I am so proud and thankful.


I made a mistake it was actually 34th place I came in even better!


I have a chapter 7 to daughter of a siren!!! Keep in tune because the rising action is nearing the climax, I'm thinking about doing 20 or so chapters, so make sure not to miss an update to find out what our Atlas and Marina are going through. Love you guys.


I am so sorry I can't find "the surgeon" again! And I don't have a lot of  time to write but I did finish chapter 6 of "daughter of a siren" sorry it is taking so long. I'm dumb and tried to work on like 4 different stories at the same time.